Did you know that SQL Anywhere has a DESCRIBE TABLE statement?
1 | <br>CREATE TABLE t (<br> pkey INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT AUTOINCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,<br> data1 VARCHAR ( 100 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',<br> data2 DECIMAL ( 11, 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0,<br> data3 LONG BINARY NOT NULL DEFAULT '' );<br><br>DESCRIBE TABLE t;<br><br>Column Type Nullable Primary Key<br>pkey integer 0 1<br>data1 varchar(100) 0 0<br>data2 decimal(11,2) 0 0<br>data3 long binary 0 0 |
Did you know that it's been there since Version 10?
How about this?
Did you know that SQL Anywhere has an sa_describe_query() procedure that returns all sorts of information about each and every column in a SELECT?
Did you know that sa_describe_query() has also been there since Version 10?
Did you also know that sa_describe_query() can do everything DESCRIBE TABLE can do, plus a lot more?
1 | <br>SELECT * FROM sa_describe_query ( 'SELECT * FROM t', 1 );<br><br>column_number name domain_id domain_name domain_name_with_size width scale declared_width user_type_id user_type_name correlation_name base_table_id base_column_id base_owner_name base_table_name base_column_name nulls_allowed is_autoincrement is_key_column is_added_key_column<br> 1 pkey 2 int int 4 0 4 (NULL) (NULL) t 723 1 DBA t pkey false true true false<br> 2 data1 9 varchar varchar(100) 100 0 100 (NULL) (NULL) t 723 2 DBA t data1 false false false false<br> 3 data2 27 decimal decimal(11,2) 11 2 11 (NULL) (NULL) t 723 3 DBA t data2 false false false false<br> 4 data3 12 long binary long binary 2147483647 0 32767 (NULL) (NULL) t 723 4 DBA t data3 false false false false |
Here's a big difference that might not be obvious: DESCRIBE TABLE is an ISQL statement so you'll see "Syntax error near 'describe'" if you try to use it inside a stored procedure, whereas sa_describe_query works just fine in both contexts (ISQL and SQL):
1 | <br>CREATE PROCEDURE p ( IN @query LONG VARCHAR )<br>BEGIN<br> SELECT name AS column_name,<br> domain_name_with_size AS data_type<br> FROM sa_describe_query ( @query, 1 )<br> ORDER BY column_number;<br>END;<br><br>SELECT * FROM p ( 'SELECT * FROM t' );<br><br>column_name data_type<br>pkey int<br>data1 varchar(100)<br>data2 decimal(11,2)<br>data3 long binary |
If the query involves a view, sa_describe_query() tells you where the columns are coming from (if it can):
1 | <br>CREATE VIEW v AS<br>SELECT data1,<br> data2 * 10,<br> pkey<br> FROM t;<br><br>SELECT name AS view_column_name,<br> domain_name_with_size AS data_type,<br> STRING ( base_table_name, '.', base_column_name ) AS base_column <br> FROM sa_describe_query ( 'SELECT * FROM v' )<br> ORDER BY column_number;<br><br>view_column_name data_type base_column<br>data1 varchar(100) t.data1<br>expression numeric(13,2) .<br>pkey int t.pkey<br><br>SELECT name AS view_column_name,<br> domain_name_with_size AS data_type,<br> STRING ( base_table_name, '.', base_column_name ) AS base_column <br> FROM sa_describe_query ( 'SELECT * FROM SYSTAB' )<br> ORDER BY column_number;<br><br>view_column_name data_type base_column<br>table_id unsigned int ISYSTAB.table_id<br>dbspace_id smallint ISYSTAB.dbspace_id<br>count unsigned bigint ISYSTAB.count<br>creator unsigned int ISYSTAB.creator<br>table_page_count int ISYSTAB.table_page_count<br>ext_page_count int ISYSTAB.ext_page_count<br>commit_action int ISYSTAB.commit_action<br>share_type int ISYSTAB.share_type<br>object_id unsigned bigint ISYSTAB.object_id<br>last_modified_at timestamp ISYSTAB.last_modified_at<br>table_name char(128) ISYSTAB.table_name<br>table_type tinyint ISYSTAB.table_type<br>replicate char(1) ISYSTAB.replicate<br>server_type tinyint ISYSTAB.server_type<br>tab_page_list long varbit ISYSTAB.tab_page_list<br>ext_page_list long varbit ISYSTAB.ext_page_list<br>pct_free unsigned int ISYSTAB.pct_free<br>clustered_index_id unsigned int ISYSTAB.clustered_index_id<br>encrypted char(1) ISYSTAB.encrypted<br>last_modified_tsn unsigned bigint ISYSTAB.last_modified_tsn<br>file_id smallint ISYSTAB.dbspace_id<br>table_type_str char(13) . |
Very handy. I've tended to be put using off using the DESCRIBE() (and the also useful REWRITE() function) for long complex queries by the need to first rewrite the queries doubling up quotes slashes etc (and half the time introducing errors) - am I missing an easy way of doing that?
Try putting the query in a text file, then calling xp_read_file() as argument to the function.
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