Friday, November 6, 2009


This little procedure's been floating around for years and years, and the source code sits in various inaccessible places like the NNTP newsgroups, the execrable CodeXchange and a sub-sub-sub-folder on my C drive called "miscellaneous".

Time to put it somewhere accessible: Google.

As in, "on an actual web page".

As in, here...

How to get full control over a SQL Anywhere server

<br>CREATE PROCEDURE p_drop_other_connections ()<br>BEGIN<br><br>/* How to get full control over a SQL Anywhere server...<br><br>(1) CALL sa_server_option ( 'ConnsDisabled', 'ON' );<br><br>    At this point, any attempt to open a new connection will<br>    get "Connections to database have been disabled". <br>    However, current connections will still work until...<br><br>(2) CALL p_drop_other_connections(); <br><br>(3) Do whatever you need to do.<br><br>(4) CALL sa_server_option ( 'ConnsDisabled', 'OFF' );<br><br>*/<br><br>DECLARE @this_connection_id    INTEGER;<br>DECLARE @other_connection_id   INTEGER;<br>DECLARE @drop_command          VARCHAR ( 1000 );<br><br>SET @this_connection_id  = connection_property ( 'number' );<br>SET @other_connection_id = NEXT_CONNECTION ( NULL );<br><br>WHILE @other_connection_id IS NOT NULL LOOP<br><br>   IF @other_connection_id <> @this_connection_id THEN<br>      SET @drop_command = STRING ( <br>         'DROP CONNECTION ', <br>         @other_connection_id );<br>      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE @drop_command;<br>   END IF;<br><br>   SET @other_connection_id <br>      = NEXT_CONNECTION ( @other_connection_id ) <br><br>END LOOP;<br><br>END;<br>

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